The Ultimate Merino Wool Guide

The Ultimate Merino Wool Guide

Author:ARTILECT Studio

The Ultimate Merino Wool Guide

Australian Merino wool is one of the most supremely soft and finest wool in the world, along with the likes of Cashmere. No other natural nor man-made fibre comes close to matching its natural properties. When designing our dynamic apparel systems, we have engaged with Merino wool fabric to enable ultimate human performance. Let’s explore how and why.

What is Merino Wool?

Merino wool comes from Merino sheep on farms throughout Australia. The wool is a 100% natural fibre grown all year-round using sustainable farming practices. This means Merino sheep only consume natural ingredients- water, fresh air, grass, and sun. Opposed to synthetics manufactured with non-renewable fossil energy.

Merino fibres are 100% biodegradable as they will naturally decompose in the earth's surface over time dispensing healthy nutrients during the process. They are also 100% renewable as every year, Merino sheep grow a new fleece of fresh wool ready to be transformed into quality activewear.